A press release from the PSC says:
"The ENEC process does not involve the recovery of profit, rate of return on investment, or salaries and wages."
This is a lie. The ENEC process involves power company recovery of transmission costs billed to them by PJM Interconnection, the operator of the regional electric grid. In those transmission charges from PJM are West Virginians share of all transmission projects 500kV and above anywhere in the 13-state region, as well as 100% of the the cost of any transmission lines below 500kV owned by FirstEnergy. Within the costs of these transmission lines are profit (12.4% for PATH, 12.7% for TrAIL, 12.8% for MAPP and 12.9% for Susquehanna-Roseland) which is the calculated return on investment for their power company owners. These charges also include salaries and wages of power company employees working on these projects... and if you've read the recently filed Formal Challenge, you know there's much, much more wrapped into these charges.
These charges also include costs for the TrAIL project that were allocated to the PATH project's FERC revenue requirement and recovered from West Virginia electric consumers in violation of TrAILCo settlement stipulations. Also mixed in your increased bill are the costs of the Allegheny Energy and FirstEnergy merger, despite the fact that the companies promised the WV and MD PSCs and FERC that they would not recover any of these costs from electric consumers.
Is the WV PSC that dumb that they don't know what's included in the cost of transmission? Perhaps that's because the only ones watchdogging transmission owners at FERC are two private citizens...
When are we going to see some true reform at our PSC whereby the agency realizes that their first responsibility is to the public, and not to their out-of-state corporate masters and their pet West Virginia politicians whose pockets are lined with some of that ill-gotten gain that comes from your pocket in the form of more electric rate increases.