The PATH Project has been terminated!
Important February Meetings and Events
Tuesday, February 1: This meeting has been canceled due to weather. Intervenors will be notified when it is re-scheduled. Intervenors' Meeting - This meeting is for JCIG intervenors only. If you're an intervenor and need more information, contact us for time and location.
Wednesday, February 2: Groundhog Day -- and what could be more appropriate than to have a "re-do" of Virginia State Corporation Commission PATH case public hearings? Virginia respondents (intervenors) are prohibited from speaking, so it is important that PATH opponents from West Virginia and Maryland show up and testify. Hearings at 2pm & 7pm at John Handley High School Auditorium, 425 Handley Boulevard, Winchester, VA 22601. See the bailiff to sign up to speak.
Thursday, February 3: Two events this day -- we need folks at both!
Second day of Virginia-SCC Public Hearings - 4 pm & 7pm at Loudoun Valley High School Auditorium, 340 N. Maple Ave., Purcellville, VA 20132 AND
Dominion Virginia Power Open House on Mt. Storm-Doubs transmission line re-build - 5:00 - 7:30 pm, Holiday Inn Express, Flowing Springs Road, Charles Town, WV. Be sure to ask Dominion about their Alternative One! See Keryn at the event if you need more info.
Wednesday, February 9: West Virginia Environmental Council's "E-Day" in Charleston. StopPATH WV will once again participate with a display and we will have lobbying events going on where we would welcome your participation. Following the event at the Capitol, be sure to attend the WVEC Benefit Dinner & Awards Presentation. This is always a fun event, so if you can spare a day, get in touch with us to coordinate or arrange for a ride.
Thursday, February 24: Maryland PSC Hearing on open motions. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul St., Baltimore. One open motion is PATH's request to toll. If you'd like to attend and need a ride from the Eastern Panhandle, contact us.
Friday, February 25: StopPATH WV Benefit Dinner - 5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Paul's Restaurant. See our Fundraisers page for details.
Wednesday, February 2: Groundhog Day -- and what could be more appropriate than to have a "re-do" of Virginia State Corporation Commission PATH case public hearings? Virginia respondents (intervenors) are prohibited from speaking, so it is important that PATH opponents from West Virginia and Maryland show up and testify. Hearings at 2pm & 7pm at John Handley High School Auditorium, 425 Handley Boulevard, Winchester, VA 22601. See the bailiff to sign up to speak.
Thursday, February 3: Two events this day -- we need folks at both!
Second day of Virginia-SCC Public Hearings - 4 pm & 7pm at Loudoun Valley High School Auditorium, 340 N. Maple Ave., Purcellville, VA 20132 AND
Dominion Virginia Power Open House on Mt. Storm-Doubs transmission line re-build - 5:00 - 7:30 pm, Holiday Inn Express, Flowing Springs Road, Charles Town, WV. Be sure to ask Dominion about their Alternative One! See Keryn at the event if you need more info.
Wednesday, February 9: West Virginia Environmental Council's "E-Day" in Charleston. StopPATH WV will once again participate with a display and we will have lobbying events going on where we would welcome your participation. Following the event at the Capitol, be sure to attend the WVEC Benefit Dinner & Awards Presentation. This is always a fun event, so if you can spare a day, get in touch with us to coordinate or arrange for a ride.
Thursday, February 24: Maryland PSC Hearing on open motions. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul St., Baltimore. One open motion is PATH's request to toll. If you'd like to attend and need a ride from the Eastern Panhandle, contact us.
Friday, February 25: StopPATH WV Benefit Dinner - 5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Paul's Restaurant. See our Fundraisers page for details.
Important January Meetings and Events
Thursday, January 6: Oral arguments on PATH's motion to hold the application in abeyance in Virginia (motion to toll the case). Arguments will be held beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the SCC's courtroom in Richmond. You can watch the webcast online at this link.
Tuesday, January 18: Pre-Hearing conference at 10:00 a.m. in the Virginia-SCC's courtroom to determine scenarios for updated load flow analyses to be conducted. Listen online! Here's the link. Case Number PUE-2010-00115 (will become an active link on the SCC site when conferenece is scheduled to start).
Tuesday, January 18: This meeting has been postponed due to weather. New date is Tuesday, January 25. South Jefferson Elementary School PTO meeting, 7:00 p.m., 4599 Summit Point Rd., Charles Town, WV 25414. StopPATH WV will be making a presentation about the status of the PATH project to the membership and answering questions.
Wednesday, January 19: NOTE: This meeting has been "postponed" at PATH's request. No new date has been set yet. Frederick County (Maryland) Planning Commission review of PATH project transmission line. 1:00 p.m. at Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD. This is a "do over" for the hearing that PATH failed to show for last October. PATH will be given another opportunity to make a brief presentation and answer any questions from the Planning Commission and members of the public. Please consider this your own personal engraved invitation to the meeting. No one is going to send you reminders or stop by your house to dress you and drive you to the meeting. Bring your questions, lots and lots of questions, for PATH! They've certainly got a lot to answer for, don't they?
Friday, January 28: StopPATH WV Benefit Dinner - 5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Paul's Restaurant. See our Fundraisers page for details.
Tuesday, January 18: Pre-Hearing conference at 10:00 a.m. in the Virginia-SCC's courtroom to determine scenarios for updated load flow analyses to be conducted. Listen online! Here's the link. Case Number PUE-2010-00115 (will become an active link on the SCC site when conferenece is scheduled to start).
Tuesday, January 18: This meeting has been postponed due to weather. New date is Tuesday, January 25. South Jefferson Elementary School PTO meeting, 7:00 p.m., 4599 Summit Point Rd., Charles Town, WV 25414. StopPATH WV will be making a presentation about the status of the PATH project to the membership and answering questions.
Wednesday, January 19: NOTE: This meeting has been "postponed" at PATH's request. No new date has been set yet. Frederick County (Maryland) Planning Commission review of PATH project transmission line. 1:00 p.m. at Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD. This is a "do over" for the hearing that PATH failed to show for last October. PATH will be given another opportunity to make a brief presentation and answer any questions from the Planning Commission and members of the public. Please consider this your own personal engraved invitation to the meeting. No one is going to send you reminders or stop by your house to dress you and drive you to the meeting. Bring your questions, lots and lots of questions, for PATH! They've certainly got a lot to answer for, don't they?
Friday, January 28: StopPATH WV Benefit Dinner - 5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Paul's Restaurant. See our Fundraisers page for details.
StopPATH WV in Charles Town Christmas Parade
On Saturday, December 4, StopPATH WV members participated in the Charles Town Christmas Parade. To have a little more fun with PATH's brainless "educational" propaganda campaign, this year our entry was also a "relic" from the 1970s. Just like our electric transmission grid, this cherry-red 1970s Olds Cutlass convertible is still adequately serving its intended purpose!
StopPATH WV's "Electra" greeted fans from the back of the convertible while a heavily-layered group of toasty-warm StopPATH members walked along behind the car. We got great support from the crowd, with bursts of applause and shouts of approval for our efforts to stop the PATH of destruction in Jefferson County!
StopPATH WV's "Electra" greeted fans from the back of the convertible while a heavily-layered group of toasty-warm StopPATH members walked along behind the car. We got great support from the crowd, with bursts of applause and shouts of approval for our efforts to stop the PATH of destruction in Jefferson County!
Important November Meetings & Events
Saturday, November 13: Three different events on this day!
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Corner of Summit Point Road and Hawthorne Avenue in downtown Summit Point. StopPATH WV Benefit Yard Sale - Only the best, gently used household items for sale! Dishes, glassware, furniture, appliances, linens, books, antiques, Christmas items and much, much more, all at great prices! We will also be selling food items, come and browse and have lunch with us! All proceeds from this sale will benefit StopPATH's legal and expert witness fund.
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing - Frederick County, Maryland. Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, MD. This is a continuation to the two previous hearings which were held on PATH's Special Exception Application in September and October. Hopefully, this marathon session will wrap things up. PATH needs a special exception to Frederick County's Zoning Ordinance to build their gigantic substation. Public comment will be taken. Our friends in Maryland welcome our participation. Please plan to attend for at least a portion of this hearing. More information.
11:00 a.m.: Landowner Education Meeting. South Jefferson Public Library, 49 Church Street, Summit Point (the library is visible from Summit Point Road - parking in rear). StopPATH WV will be sharing information about PATH land agent tactics and how you can protect yourself and your rights. Land agents and PATH contractors are active now in Jefferson County making offers (that are not in your best interest) and trying to get permission to conduct "surveys" on private property. In addition to presentation of information (which will include documents for you to take home), we will also be facilitating a discussion of landowners' experiences with PATH land agents here in Jefferson County. If you have something to share that you think will help others deal with land agents, please plan to attend. The meeting is free and open to the public. More information.
Monday, November 15: Intervenors' Meeting - New locations - New format! Meeting open to intervenors only. If you're an intervenor who needs further information, please contact us.
Tuesday, November 16: Dominion Power Open House
5:00 - 7:30 p.m., James Woods High School, 161 Apple Pie Ridge Road, Winchester, VA
Dominion Power's Open House on Mt. Storm-Doubs 500kV transmission line rebuild project. How does this project fit in with PATH's plans (or not)? Come prepared with questions! Open Houses in West Virginia will not be held until 2011 - this is your chance to get your questions answered now.
Wednesday, November 17: Dominion Power Open House
5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Lovettsville Community Center, 57 E. Broad Way, Lovettsville, VA
Same as previous day's event -- different date, different location.
Thursday, November 18: Frederick County, MD, Board of Zoning Appeals Decision, 7:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD
The hearing process itself has been completed. The Board will be issuing a decision on the case on this date.
Tuesday, November 30: First Energy/Allegheny Energy Merger Public Comment Hearing
7:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD
If you want to have a voice in this merger, come sign up to speak at this hearing. Other dates/locations are scheduled if you can't make this one. Contact us for details.
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Corner of Summit Point Road and Hawthorne Avenue in downtown Summit Point. StopPATH WV Benefit Yard Sale - Only the best, gently used household items for sale! Dishes, glassware, furniture, appliances, linens, books, antiques, Christmas items and much, much more, all at great prices! We will also be selling food items, come and browse and have lunch with us! All proceeds from this sale will benefit StopPATH's legal and expert witness fund.
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.: Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing - Frederick County, Maryland. Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, MD. This is a continuation to the two previous hearings which were held on PATH's Special Exception Application in September and October. Hopefully, this marathon session will wrap things up. PATH needs a special exception to Frederick County's Zoning Ordinance to build their gigantic substation. Public comment will be taken. Our friends in Maryland welcome our participation. Please plan to attend for at least a portion of this hearing. More information.
11:00 a.m.: Landowner Education Meeting. South Jefferson Public Library, 49 Church Street, Summit Point (the library is visible from Summit Point Road - parking in rear). StopPATH WV will be sharing information about PATH land agent tactics and how you can protect yourself and your rights. Land agents and PATH contractors are active now in Jefferson County making offers (that are not in your best interest) and trying to get permission to conduct "surveys" on private property. In addition to presentation of information (which will include documents for you to take home), we will also be facilitating a discussion of landowners' experiences with PATH land agents here in Jefferson County. If you have something to share that you think will help others deal with land agents, please plan to attend. The meeting is free and open to the public. More information.
Monday, November 15: Intervenors' Meeting - New locations - New format! Meeting open to intervenors only. If you're an intervenor who needs further information, please contact us.
Tuesday, November 16: Dominion Power Open House
5:00 - 7:30 p.m., James Woods High School, 161 Apple Pie Ridge Road, Winchester, VA
Dominion Power's Open House on Mt. Storm-Doubs 500kV transmission line rebuild project. How does this project fit in with PATH's plans (or not)? Come prepared with questions! Open Houses in West Virginia will not be held until 2011 - this is your chance to get your questions answered now.
Wednesday, November 17: Dominion Power Open House
5:00 - 7:30 p.m., Lovettsville Community Center, 57 E. Broad Way, Lovettsville, VA
Same as previous day's event -- different date, different location.
Thursday, November 18: Frederick County, MD, Board of Zoning Appeals Decision, 7:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD
The hearing process itself has been completed. The Board will be issuing a decision on the case on this date.
Tuesday, November 30: First Energy/Allegheny Energy Merger Public Comment Hearing
7:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church Street, Frederick, MD
If you want to have a voice in this merger, come sign up to speak at this hearing. Other dates/locations are scheduled if you can't make this one. Contact us for details.
Important October Meetings & Events
Saturday, October 2: StopPATH WV Benefit Yard & Bake Sale
Begins at 8:00 and lasts as long as the merchandise and the volunteers do!
Location: Summit Point Road in Summit Point - grassy area near the railroad tracks.
We need volunteers and donations of merchandise and baked goods! Please use our yard sale donation form below to have your donations picked up.
Wednesday, October 6: PATH 2011 Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement Open Meeting
10:00 a.m., Pillsbury, Shaw, Winthrop & Pittman, 2300 N St., Washington, DC 20037
or attend via conference call. You must RSVP to attend this meeting!
Find out how much of your money PATH intends to spend in 2011. The revenue requirement is added to your electric bill by your service provider, collected by PJM and distributed to PATH each month. Although the formula rate is set by FERC , keeping PATH honest in filling out the required forms with only those expenses allowed under the formula rate in accordance with FERC's Uniform System of Accounts is your job! Looks like it's a necessary job, too. For meeting material and more information, see StopPATHWV Blog.
Begins at 8:00 and lasts as long as the merchandise and the volunteers do!
Location: Summit Point Road in Summit Point - grassy area near the railroad tracks.
We need volunteers and donations of merchandise and baked goods! Please use our yard sale donation form below to have your donations picked up.
Wednesday, October 6: PATH 2011 Projected Transmission Revenue Requirement Open Meeting
10:00 a.m., Pillsbury, Shaw, Winthrop & Pittman, 2300 N St., Washington, DC 20037
or attend via conference call. You must RSVP to attend this meeting!
Find out how much of your money PATH intends to spend in 2011. The revenue requirement is added to your electric bill by your service provider, collected by PJM and distributed to PATH each month. Although the formula rate is set by FERC , keeping PATH honest in filling out the required forms with only those expenses allowed under the formula rate in accordance with FERC's Uniform System of Accounts is your job! Looks like it's a necessary job, too. For meeting material and more information, see StopPATHWV Blog.
Important September Meetings
Lots going on in Maryland this month! PATH seems to be very concerned that Frederick County is going to reject its gigantic substation proposed to be constructed in the middle of 1300 homes. Our friends in Maryland would very much like you to attend any or all of these meetings:
Wednesday, September 15: Frederick County Planning Commission Public Meeting
7:00 - 10:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church St., Frederick, MD 21701
The planning commission will hold a meeting on the consistency of the 'Kemptown Substation' with the Frederick Comprehensive Plan on Wednesday evening starting at 7pm. The sign up sheet to present testimony will only be available beforehand (6pm perhaps?)
More Information
Monday, September 20: PATH-sponsored "Public Information Meeting" (aka - one of those Open House divide & conquer meetings run by the infamous "green-shirted goons")
5:30 - 8:00 p.m., Windsor Knolls Middle School, 11150 Windsor Rd., Ijamsville, MD
PATH (pretending to be "Potomac Edison" in Maryland) will share plans for the gigantic substation and try to convince the public that it is needed and won't have any adverse effects on nearby residents. Bring the kids!! Drop them off at the special childrens' area where green-shirted goons will help them color pictures of cancer clusters and tell them bedtime stories about little Cy Clops, the boy with a third eye in the center of his forehead who lives next door to the second largest substation in the world. Warning: Don't drink the koolaid, although do help yourself to all the free goodies available. Afterall, you're paying for this whole evening!
More Information
Tuesday, September 28: Pre-hearing Conference before the Maryland Public Service Commission
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Maryland Public Service Commission, 19th floor Hearing Room, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD
The Commission's Hearing Examiner who will conduct the hearing of Case No. 9223 in the matter of the application of Potomac Edison for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct the Maryland segments of the 765kV Electric Transmission line and the proposed 'Kemptown' Substation will set a procedural schedule, consider petitions to intervene, and consider any other preliminary matters.
More Information
Wednesday, September 29: Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing
1:00 - 11:00 p.m. Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church St., Frederick, MD 21701
PATH has filed an “Application for Special Exception” to build the massive 42 acre substation in Mt Airy/Monrovia with the Frederick County Board of Zoning Appeals. There is a public hearing scheduled Wednesday September 29, 2010, to begin at 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and then from 7 p. m. to 11 p.m. Allegheny will present its case, then "parties recognized by the board" can cross-examine and give testimony. Individuals will have four minutes to speak as well. There is a list of criteria available on the Zoning Appeals Form. This is an extremely important event and we need to show a strong level of opposition in the county!
More Information
Wednesday, September 15: Frederick County Planning Commission Public Meeting
7:00 - 10:00 p.m., Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church St., Frederick, MD 21701
The planning commission will hold a meeting on the consistency of the 'Kemptown Substation' with the Frederick Comprehensive Plan on Wednesday evening starting at 7pm. The sign up sheet to present testimony will only be available beforehand (6pm perhaps?)
More Information
Monday, September 20: PATH-sponsored "Public Information Meeting" (aka - one of those Open House divide & conquer meetings run by the infamous "green-shirted goons")
5:30 - 8:00 p.m., Windsor Knolls Middle School, 11150 Windsor Rd., Ijamsville, MD
PATH (pretending to be "Potomac Edison" in Maryland) will share plans for the gigantic substation and try to convince the public that it is needed and won't have any adverse effects on nearby residents. Bring the kids!! Drop them off at the special childrens' area where green-shirted goons will help them color pictures of cancer clusters and tell them bedtime stories about little Cy Clops, the boy with a third eye in the center of his forehead who lives next door to the second largest substation in the world. Warning: Don't drink the koolaid, although do help yourself to all the free goodies available. Afterall, you're paying for this whole evening!
More Information
Tuesday, September 28: Pre-hearing Conference before the Maryland Public Service Commission
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Maryland Public Service Commission, 19th floor Hearing Room, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, MD
The Commission's Hearing Examiner who will conduct the hearing of Case No. 9223 in the matter of the application of Potomac Edison for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct the Maryland segments of the 765kV Electric Transmission line and the proposed 'Kemptown' Substation will set a procedural schedule, consider petitions to intervene, and consider any other preliminary matters.
More Information
Wednesday, September 29: Board of Zoning Appeals Public Hearing
1:00 - 11:00 p.m. Winchester Hall, 12 E. Church St., Frederick, MD 21701
PATH has filed an “Application for Special Exception” to build the massive 42 acre substation in Mt Airy/Monrovia with the Frederick County Board of Zoning Appeals. There is a public hearing scheduled Wednesday September 29, 2010, to begin at 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and then from 7 p. m. to 11 p.m. Allegheny will present its case, then "parties recognized by the board" can cross-examine and give testimony. Individuals will have four minutes to speak as well. There is a list of criteria available on the Zoning Appeals Form. This is an extremely important event and we need to show a strong level of opposition in the county!
More Information
Upcoming: Jefferson Co. Fair 2010
Mark your calendars! The Jefferson County Fair is coming up August 22 through 28 and StopPATH WV will again have a booth at the fair. This year we've rented a larger booth so we'll have more room to spread out and work several exciting fundraisers as part of our fair week activity.
Last year, we asked folks to sign-up for three-hour shifts, as many as you can manage. We promise, you'll have fun! Where else can you go and talk about PATH for three hours and still be appreciated?
Check out our new Jefferson County Fair facebook page -- almost as much fun as being there (without the sweat and dust)! Join us online to help with planning or to volunteer.
Many thanks to all our volunteers from last year who kept us fully staffed for a week! We're going to need a full crew of volunteers again this year and hope they will all come back, as well as some new faces. I think we can all agree that last year we had the most fun that can be had in 90 degree weather and it's due to the great camaraderie we all share... and those ice cream cookie sandwiches from the 4-H booth! Please join us this year for more of the same!
Watch this website and your email for further information about volunteering at the fair, or contact us.
Last year, we asked folks to sign-up for three-hour shifts, as many as you can manage. We promise, you'll have fun! Where else can you go and talk about PATH for three hours and still be appreciated?
Check out our new Jefferson County Fair facebook page -- almost as much fun as being there (without the sweat and dust)! Join us online to help with planning or to volunteer.
Many thanks to all our volunteers from last year who kept us fully staffed for a week! We're going to need a full crew of volunteers again this year and hope they will all come back, as well as some new faces. I think we can all agree that last year we had the most fun that can be had in 90 degree weather and it's due to the great camaraderie we all share... and those ice cream cookie sandwiches from the 4-H booth! Please join us this year for more of the same!
Watch this website and your email for further information about volunteering at the fair, or contact us.
StopPATH Benefit Yard & Bake Sale - July 10th
Due to the success of our last benefit yard and bake sale (we cleared $1,000!) we will again be offering up the finest gently used household goods, tools, antiques, books, toys and miscellaneous items to be had in Jefferson County for sale to benefit StopPATH WV's legal and expert witness fund.
We will also again be selling baked goods and Steve Smith's famous pepperoni rolls (these sell out fast, come early!) as well as beverages. Come for breakfast or come for lunch, browse and dine and get the latest PATH news.
The sale will be held on Saturday, July 10, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and lasting as long as the goodies hold out. Location: 49 Lee Brown Circle, Charles Town, Cave Quarters Estates Subdivision. Cave Quarters is located on Old Cave Road, just off Rt. 340. Look for our signs on 340, or just look for the high voltage transmission towers on the south side of 340 -- you can't miss them!
We are seeking donations for the sale -- if you have items that have been sitting around collecting dust that you'd like to get rid of, use the below form to let us know. Please, no clothing or shoes!
UPDATE: We made another $800 at the yard sale! We plan to do another one in the fall and will still be collecting donations over the summer. If you have something to donate, fill out the form below and a member of StopPATH will be in touch.
We will also again be selling baked goods and Steve Smith's famous pepperoni rolls (these sell out fast, come early!) as well as beverages. Come for breakfast or come for lunch, browse and dine and get the latest PATH news.
The sale will be held on Saturday, July 10, beginning at 8:00 a.m. and lasting as long as the goodies hold out. Location: 49 Lee Brown Circle, Charles Town, Cave Quarters Estates Subdivision. Cave Quarters is located on Old Cave Road, just off Rt. 340. Look for our signs on 340, or just look for the high voltage transmission towers on the south side of 340 -- you can't miss them!
We are seeking donations for the sale -- if you have items that have been sitting around collecting dust that you'd like to get rid of, use the below form to let us know. Please, no clothing or shoes!
UPDATE: We made another $800 at the yard sale! We plan to do another one in the fall and will still be collecting donations over the summer. If you have something to donate, fill out the form below and a member of StopPATH will be in touch.
StopPATH collecting scrap metal for fundraising drive
StopPATH WV is now collecting scrap metal for recycling as part of a new fundraising drive. We are looking for old appliances, farm, garden and lawn tools, car parts, automotive and small engine batteries -- any scrap metal that you may have hanging around your property that you would like to have hauled away. The proceeds from the recycling will go towards StopPATH legal and expert witness expenses.
If you have something to donate, please use the below contact form to let us know and a member of StopPATH will be in touch to arrange pick-up of your items.
UPDATE: Our first recycling run netted $196.80 toward legal and expert witness expenses! Our second recycling run netted $460.10, and a third $139.35, for a grand total so far of $796.25! We are already collecting items for additional runs and will make this an ongoing project. Our thanks to all those who donated toward this effort. Not only are we raising critically-needed funds, we're also cleaning up our environment and recycling. Way to go, folks!
If you have something to donate, please use the below contact form to let us know and a member of StopPATH will be in touch to arrange pick-up of your items.
UPDATE: Our first recycling run netted $196.80 toward legal and expert witness expenses! Our second recycling run netted $460.10, and a third $139.35, for a grand total so far of $796.25! We are already collecting items for additional runs and will make this an ongoing project. Our thanks to all those who donated toward this effort. Not only are we raising critically-needed funds, we're also cleaning up our environment and recycling. Way to go, folks!
StopPATH Benefit Yard & Bake Sale - May 1st
The StopPATH WV Yard & Bake Sale to raise funds for legal and expert witness expenses will be held this Saturday, May 1 beginning at 8 a.m. at the Indoor Flea Market in Halltown (on Halltown Rd. behind Eackles-Spencer and Norton Funeral Home).
Come out and support us and take home a bargain! We have lots of great stuff for sale -- household items, books and antiques are just a sample of what we have to offer -- no junk or clothing! We'll also be selling delicious bake sale items so bring your appetite!
We'll also have StopPATH WV t-shirts, bracelets and accessories for sale, as well as educational materials to learn more about the PATH of destruction. Contact us for more information. Hope to see you all on Saturday!
Come out and support us and take home a bargain! We have lots of great stuff for sale -- household items, books and antiques are just a sample of what we have to offer -- no junk or clothing! We'll also be selling delicious bake sale items so bring your appetite!
We'll also have StopPATH WV t-shirts, bracelets and accessories for sale, as well as educational materials to learn more about the PATH of destruction. Contact us for more information. Hope to see you all on Saturday!
Come visit us at the Panhandle Earth Day Celebration
StopPATH WV will have a booth at the Panhandle Earth Day Celebration on April 24th from 12 noon to 6 p.m. The celebration will be held at Morgan's Grove Park located at the corner of Rt. 480 and Morgan's Grove Road, just outside Shepherdstown.
The celebration will feature environmental groups, arts & crafts, children's activities, live music, farmer's market, food and fun. Come out and visit us and enjoy a day in the park!
To learn more about Panhandle Earth Day Celebration, visit their website.
The celebration will feature environmental groups, arts & crafts, children's activities, live music, farmer's market, food and fun. Come out and visit us and enjoy a day in the park!
To learn more about Panhandle Earth Day Celebration, visit their website.
StopPATH in Christmas Parade

The Harpers Ferry Christmas parade was a great success! Clissy Funkhouser sang "The Wrath Against PATH" the length of the parade route, and we could see people tapping their feet and bobbing their heads along to the music. We had six or eight people walking alongside the float handing out almost a thousand information cards and glow-in-the-dark bracelets that said, "Oh No, We Won't Glow!" Many of the parade-goers thanked us for our efforts to stop the project - there were only a handful of people who rejected our message.
The parade organizers did a fabulous job, especially when the parade grew from 20 to almost 120 floats in just a week! It was the biggest parade Bolivar and Harpers Ferry ever held, and they kept everything organized and moving along.
Many thanks to the people who helped make the float, assemble the handouts and walk through Bolivar: Steve Smith and his wife Shirley and son Sammy, Keryn Newman, Scott Tatina and his daughter Amy, Dawn Goings, Robin Huyett Thomas, Sandie Henry, Roger Eitelman, Bob Montgomery - and if I forgot someone, my most humble apologies!
~ Patience Wait, Outreach Chair
The parade organizers did a fabulous job, especially when the parade grew from 20 to almost 120 floats in just a week! It was the biggest parade Bolivar and Harpers Ferry ever held, and they kept everything organized and moving along.
Many thanks to the people who helped make the float, assemble the handouts and walk through Bolivar: Steve Smith and his wife Shirley and son Sammy, Keryn Newman, Scott Tatina and his daughter Amy, Dawn Goings, Robin Huyett Thomas, Sandie Henry, Roger Eitelman, Bob Montgomery - and if I forgot someone, my most humble apologies!
~ Patience Wait, Outreach Chair