And why do you suppose Clean Line no longer cares whether or not your state utility commissions find that the Clean Line projects are "needed" and beneficial to the citizens of each state?
Because Clean Line has now decided that it MUST have federal eminent domain authority to site its projects. No more making nice with the states, Clean Line wants the federal government to condemn your property so that Clean Line can commandeer it to host its massive transmission line.
Just last week, Clean Line Energy Partners Vice President Hans Detweiler submitted a Congressional lobbying registration form to lobby on behalf of Clean Line.
Detweiler's specific lobbying issues, according to the registration:

However, sandwiches and cheap amusements are going to be quickly forgotten in the face of the combined outrage of voters and state officials if the feds show up to take private property for a foreign corporation's profit. Bundy Ranch, on steroids.
Proceed to your battle stations, Mayberry!