Remember FERC's screwy order on the TrAILCo abandonment that told TrAILCo that Prexy wasn't abandoned but just an "engineering" change and that TrAILCo should just recover the cost of this failed project segment with the rest of TrAILCO's cost, plus 12.7% ROE over the useful life of the project? Remember, that's 12.7% return every year from now to eternity. What a great reward for Allegheny Energy's incompetence, greed and bad behavior during TrAIL's development and permitting!
If you've been following this one, TrAILCo has now filed a Request for Clarification or Rehearing. They (and Exelon) want to know who's going to be paying for the $13M cost of this failed project. Will it be Allegheny/FirstEnergy customers, or will it be all customers in PJM as instructed by FERC?
Or will FERC wake up and realize they made a mistake with that whole order?