In order to participate in the conference call, you need to RSVP with Randy no later than July 14 (that's tomorrow!) For instructions on sending your RSVP to Randy, send him an email and required information as listed in this notice.
As far as sending an RSVP to me (because I'm not quite as anal retentive), just let me know you're coming no later than the night before the non-meeting conference call.
We'll be serving coffee and donuts, perhaps even Mimosas and Bloody Marys, on the patio during the conference call. See? You'll still get a free breakfast after all!
Bring your questions for PATH about how they spent your money in 2010. Heck, you can even bring your recording devices and cameras and take pictures/record audio to your heart's delight! And whatever else he tried to prohibit last time... you can do that too!!
See you all next Wednesday!