The purpose of the meeting is to explain the PATH PTRR for Rate Year 2011 which was posted on the formula rates page of the PJM website on September 1, 2010. Participants may ask questions and seek information regarding the 2011 PTRR. To the extent that the PATH Companies’ participants do not have the information available during the meeting to answer a question or information request posed during the meeting, participants may submit written information requests pursuant to the PATH formula rate protocols set forth in Attachment H-19B of the PJM Tariff. Written information requests should be sent to [email protected]. Depending on the nature of the information request, the submitter may be required to execute a Protective Agreement prior to receiving the response. Under the protocols, the current Discovery Period for submitting information requests will end on October 29, 2010.
Matters not pertaining to the 2011 PTRR, including matters pending before state and federal agencies, will not be addressed during the meeting.
Photography as well as video and audio recordings will not be permitted during the meeting or within the meeting premises before, during or after the meeting.
Pardon me while I laugh myself silly, but I see exactly where each "rule" came from. I guess I should put my screwdriver down for a bit before he goes postal. If this guy thinks he's getting one step ahead of me, he'd best think again. Creativity is my middle name and "no" is never an answer, but always considered a challenge. Keep on keeping on there, Captain Acrimony, and I'll see you tomorrow.
We can generously allow him to win a battle or two but what he doesn't realize is that he's losing the war.