It hasn't been filed with FERC or posted on PJM's website yet. Looks like PATH is having a little trouble getting it up on the web.
I guess the Protocols are self-serving, to be used as fodder to have pointless arguments with "interested parties" and to make ridiculous confidentiality claims about information released in discovery without benefit of a Protective Agreement, isn't that right, Randy?
I guess PATH thinks they don't have to follow their Protocols if they don't feel like it. We'll just be adding these additional days onto the end of the discovery period this year, won't we? :-)
The Protocols also state, "Within two business days of the Publication Date, PATH shall provide notice on PJM's website of the time, date and location of an open meeting among Interested Parties." Since PATH has ignored the designated Publication Date, I don't suppose this is going to happen tomorrow either, like it should.
Those post-merger "economies of scale" are really working out for FirstEnergy's customers, aren't they? Looks like the two PATH operating companies owe the ratepayers over $13M in over recovered revenue and return, and now they're not filing their annual true-up on time. FirstEnergy, you have failed already!!!
Inquiring minds want to know: Will PATH be able to get it up tomorrow?