For example, we can wonder if Akins (aka LittleDrummerBoy) explained to the brown-nosers in Danville that half of that $25,000 scholarship he presented to Averett University would be recovered from those same concerned ratepayers who made electric rates "a major talking point" in Virginia's state-wide political races.
That's right, Virginia has recently seen fit to allow Appalachian Power to recover up to one-half of their charitable contributions from captive electric ratepayers, therefore, $12,500 of that "generous" scholarship is going to come out of the pockets of consumers.
LDB also told the folks in Danville a bunch of other fairy tales that I'm not going to bother with, and took a few boring swipes at the EPA. LDB, you're boring and way too easily debunked.
Completely unrelated, except in its capacity to embarrass AEP, check out these two pages excerpted from one of AEP's subsidiary FERC filings, which I unfortunately found myself poring through as a favor to someone else recently. AEP executives' "Personal use of company aircraft," "Personal use of executive dining room," and "Financial counseling and tax preparation" that ended up being funded by consumers probably weren't topics on LDB's Danville agenda either. Oh yes, AEP, poor, poor, pitiful you!