"The letter states that PJM's action "does not constitute a directive by PJM to cancel or abandon the MAPP project," and also directs PHI to proceed with those development efforts "reasonably necessary to allow the MAPP project to be quickly re-started..."
Sound familiar, PATH opponents? Yes, it's the same mushy-mouthed crap PJM said when they "suspended" the PATH project.
MAPP has asked for delays from the MD-PSC and the VA-SCC.
What this means is that the MAPP project is also a dead fish, however Pepco wants to continue to hold their FERC incentives and continue to collect a 12.8% return year after year on their investment in the project from all PJM ratepayers.
"The notification also states that PJM will be using a new stakeholder process to evaluate its transmission planning methods, which could lead to changes in PJM's assessment of MAPP's in-service date. PJM does not expect the new evaluation to be completed until sometime in 2012."
This is the new planning "stakeholder process" that was supposed to re-evaluate the PATH project before the end of this year. Looks like they're not planning to have it completed until sometime next year now.
Here's a link to PJM's letter holding MAPP in abeyance. Looks like PJM learned a thing or two from our reaction to the PATH "abeyance." They have not removed MAPP from the RTEP, but given it a new in-service date of "2019 - 2021." Since when does an RTEP have such unclear in-service dates? Oh, that's right, it's just PJM protecting another one of its pet projects...
Another Project Mountaineer failure that will linger on and cost the consumers money and provide absolutely no benefits. MAPP opponents should join is in insisting that FERC take action on these "suspended" white elephants and derail their gravy train in the pursuit of just and reasonable electric rates.