I need your help, faithful blog reader. Yes, there are quite a lot of you, I've noticed. You may read this blog because:
1. It makes you laugh.
2. It gives you a smile of satisfaction watching the high and mighty get knocked down a peg or two quite regularly.
3. It keeps you abreast of the latest developments in the PATH case.
4. It's a handy-dandy road map for your own transmission line battle with other power companies; or conversely,
5. You are one of those other power companies and you use it as a road map for what not to do.
6. You just enjoy watching your corporate competition get its butt kicked over and over again.
7. You're a PATH project employee and you think if you read this blog obsessively I'm eventually going to hand you a great big secret that you can use against the opposition and you'll be the first to read it; or
8. Maybe you're just a creepy freak with nothing better to do...
If you're one of our regular readers in the above eight categories (or another I didn't mention -- I take suggestions!), I'd like to ask you to make a donation to StopPATH WV, Inc.
I recently received an invoice from one of our experts and it had a lot of zeros in it. While we won't have any trouble paying it thanks to our many very generous donors, it hurts my anal-retentive, geeky, bean-counting, treasurer's psyche to see our bank account take that kind of hit. We need a quick infusion of cash before I start acting really crazy (yeah, yeah, I know, how would you be able to tell?)
So, if you find this blog useful, how about showing us a little love of the green variety? We take checks or credit cards, heck, I'll even take cash, if that's your thing. Go here to make a donation.
I don't think we'll be the beneficiary of any of PATH's ratepayer-funded "corporate stewardship" any time in the near future (but if we are that's one "membership" we promise not to complain about next year since it actually will benefit the ratepayers). We depend entirely on donations from folks who want to see us win this battle. I hope that group will soon include you. Thanks, guys!