"The power giant says the programs they’ve implemented to incentive customers to reduce electricity use are getting too expensive.
Doug Colafella, is a spokesman for First Energy.
Colafella: “As these programs become more aggressive, as the goals become more difficult to achieve, the costs for these programs are undoubtedly going to increase.”

After whining about how much energy efficiency is going to cost customers as justification for gutting Ohio energy efficiency mandates, FirstEnergy turns around today and announces the building of a new $45M "transmission control center" in Ohio. Now who do you think is going to pay for Tony the Trickster's new underground lair? You are! Those poor, broke customers who can't "afford" energy efficiency investment that will lower their bills over the long term can afford to pay for a shiny, new office building for the company, according to FirstEnergy.
How much energy efficiency could Ohioans buy with $45M?