Clean Line's Plains & Eastern project stretching from Oklahoma to Tennessee thought it would help itself to Section 1222 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act and arranged a cozy RFP from the DOE that coincided with its intent to build its project.
Except Clean Line's project does not fit the plain language in the statute.
In an attempt to remedy its failings, Clean Line facilitated a secret flurry of form letters to U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz from wind energy companies that stand to profit from the project. The form letters urge Secretary Moniz to approve Clean Line's Section 1222 application.
But the comment period, and the letters, were conducted IN SECRET. The citizens and landowners affected by Clean Line's use of Section 1222 were not afforded an opportunity to comment. In fact, the citizens have been continually told by DOE personnel that their only opportunity to weigh in on this matter is through the DOE's Environmental Impact Statement.
This is being done despite the fact that DOE is accepting letters in support of Clean Line that have nothing to do with the EIS.
Don’t let Clean Line’s lies be the only voice Secretary Moniz hears before he makes this important decision! It is imperative that you tell Secretary Moniz not to approve Clean Line’s application NOW. He wants to hear from YOU!
Send your letters to:
The Honorable Ernest Moniz, Secretary
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585
Or Call him: 202-586-5000
Send him a fax: 202-586-4403
Send him an email: [email protected]
Comment on his Facebook page:
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Let’s bombard Secretary Moniz with REAL comments from REAL people and drown out the comments Clean Line’s toadies submitted! Your voice will make a difference!
If you need help composing your comments, email me!