The schadenfreude was so thick you could cut it with a knife at AEP's Q1 2012 Earnings Call on Friday morning.
Akins (LDB) set the tone by saying, in effect, that FirstEnergy is "un-American."
"And if it's at the company's expense, it's tantamount to taking capacity value that the company is committed for a 3-year period to PJM to run and giving it to competitors to subsidize the acquisition of our customers, which sort of seems a little bit un-American to me. It's really not competition, it's more a confiscation."
And it was all downhill from there... Most of the questions centered around the Ohio Charlie Foxtrot so enjoy the schadenfreude in the Q & A section. Although all the stuttering isn't evident in the transcript, the meaningless buzzwords that these prevaricators use as a crutch are prevalent ("optionality" "repositioning" "volatility" "a transition that makes sense" - hey, that was Mikey's line about the EPA rules - remember, anything that's not beneficial to AEP's bottom line doesn't "make sense.")
Overall, AEP is looking pretty sad! Revenue is down because of customers dumping AEP and a mild winter (even Mother Nature hates AEP!) Prices and demand are down for AEP's dirty coal power and gas use is up 26%. Ut-oh, AEP, pretty crappy planning there, don't ya think? Read a summary here.
AEP says that pulling the wool over the eyes of the PSC and legislature in WV regarding "securitization" is much easier than it is in Ohio. Somehow $325M of fuel debt inflated to $400M of "fuel debt" during the earnings call. The difference is all the unrelated debt APCO tossed into their WV "securitization" amount of $400M. West Virginia = proud to be AEP's patsy cash cow!
"We have a similar situation in APCO West Virginia where we have nearly $400 million of deferred fuel that we are filing to securitize there. And think we're on a faster track to be able to securitize that close to $400 million than we are in Ohio."
And don't miss the part where LDB starts talking about "designer coals." That's just what AEP needs -- fashionable, expensive coals that make people desperate to power their homes with only the best!