These incentives have been given out like candy for 5 years and cost consumers billions of dollars in higher electric bills every year.
Numerous other state public service commissions submitted strong comments against current incentives policies and suggesting workable changes. These states included other PATH-affected neighbors, such as Maryland and Virginia, who are looking out for the interests of their citizens, but West Virginia failed to make any effort whatsoever.
We can only assume that the WV PSC approves of FERC's ridiculous over-compensation of energy corporations that has driven expensive, destructive, unneeded transmission projects in our state, such as PATH and TrAIL, and steadily increases the electric bills of West Virginians. I'm very disappointed.
West Virginians deserve a public service commission that is working in their interests, and not kowtowing to the profit initiatives of out-of-state corporations. Let Governor Tomblin know you demand change at the PSC.