Although EEI's project was an abysmal failure, the utility industry wasn't about to give up its attempt to "sway by words" and continued the effort to beautify transmission towers through a series of industry magazine advertisements. It wasn't really about swaying the public at that point, but about swaying the utility executives to purchase new designs that they believed were more beautiful than traditional towers. And the utility industry of the day was dominated by men. And the fastest way to a man's heart is through his... ummm... stop. Anyhow, a 1968 A.B. Chance Co. advertisement in one utility rag utilized what was supposed to be a hot 1968 woman, dubbed "Miss Beautility," singing a little song about her "15-minute color film showing the use of strong, tapered, galvanized steel unipoles." Oh, behave, you silly men! Get your minds out of the gutter. "Miss Beautility" wasn't talking about YOUR unipole!
American Electric Power is still enthralled with its unipole. It made some big to do about its new BOLD design recently. AEP claims that its "elegant" unipole "imparts a more favorable aesthetic appearance."
Says who? AEP hasn't published any public opinion polling results that back up its aesthetic claims.
Nevertheless, AEP claims, "Efficiency never looked so good!"
However, the public that opposes transmission towers hasn't expressed a desire for "a streamlined, low-profile structure with phase-conductor bundles arranged into compact delta configurations." Only AEP gets excited about that.
I'm really disappointed that AEP wasted all its brainpower developing another overhead transmission structure. It doesn't matter what the tower looks like. The industry has tried shaping them like people. Or Mickey Mouse. Clowns. Robot. Deer. And many more bright ideas to "disguise" or "amuse" the people who gotta live with them. I'm still waiting for the tower shaped like a dollar sign, since building new towers directly translates to increased utility profits.
But here's the reality. What society wants is not to see these towers at all. This is what the perfectly aesthetic electric transmission tower looks like.
It's buried.
Since AEP probably doesn't have any employees who look and think like this guy

AEP is wasting its time on overhead line design. It's BOLD design is about as appealing as a fresh turd. It won't do a thing to ameliorate public opposition to new transmission projects. Fail.