New EPA rules won't be a problem, according to what AEP management told Morningstar. In fact, "AEP already has said it could close up to 6 GW of its coal plants, but its highest-margin plants are well-positioned to capture profits for shareholders that it previously had to return to ratepayers."
Compare this to what The Little Drummer Boy said when he testified before Congress on October 13, 2011 (EPA whining starts on Page 8, past the Mountaineer CCS and Turk Plant doublespeak). LDB is very concerned about how rising electric rates caused by new EPA rules will affect AEP's poor customers! Well, cry me a river, Nick.
Looks like the Little Drummer Boy is getting off to a bang-up start in the doublespeak category. Maybe Mikey should give him lessons in perfecting technique while he's breathing down his neck in the future. Or maybe it was really LDB's evil twin testifying before Congress or talking to Morningstar? Could one person really contradict themselves that much and still expect to be taken seriously?