None of Clean Line's smoke and mirrors about project "benefits" has any basis in fact or logic.
Clean Line's proposed "income" for landowners is a huge fabrication. Any payments to landowners are a lame attempt at compensation for property taken from landowners through the courts. In exchange for payments, landowners would be trading rights-of-way across their property. Eminent domain law requires the taking entity to compensate landowners for the market value of property taken from them. It is not additional "income." Income would allow a landowner to gain something valuable while losing nothing. The truth of the matter is that Grain Belt Express is proposing to make landowners whole for property taken from them. It's a wash, not a gain. It's no different than Walmart showing up at your house and cleaning out your pantry and freezer and then giving you "market value" for the goods it has confiscated. Meanwhile, Walmart has your food and can sell it to others for a profit. There are no benefits to landowners from construction of Grain Belt Express.
Clean Line's claims of increased tax revenue for counties crossed is another disingenuous glittering generality. In essence, it is a proposal that economic development opportunity trumps your right to own and enjoy property. Everyone's house would generate more tax revenue if it was a Walmart. Economic development alone is not reason enough to trample on private property rights. This is even more true when looked at through the public utility lens that Clean Line hides behind. Public utilities have enjoyed eminent domain authority when a project is necessary to serve the public. It's a high burden that a utility must carry to demonstrate that its project is necessary to serve the public. Simply stating that if property is taken and a project built that a public need will develop, is not enough to carry this burden to take property in the first place. Especially when the "utility" is Clean Line, who has no firm customers for its transmission line. It's all based on future speculation, and that's not good enough.
Clean Line's claims of increased tax revenue also fail to calculate any detriments Grain Belt Express will bring to affected counties. Properties crossed by electric transmission lines lose value. This lowers the assessed value of affected properties and decreases property tax revenue to the county. In addition, the burden of hosting the transmission line will cost the county in increased public safety expenses, both during the invasive construction of the project and for years afterwards when the counties must purchase equipment and supplies to prepare for any transmission line disaster that may happen in the future. For example, substation fires require different types of equipment and special chemicals to fight. Counties could spend their entire "windfalls" supporting Clean Line's infrastructure in their locality.
Clean Line's claims that its Grain Belt Express project will save Missourians $10M a year in energy costs is not based on fact. Although Clean Line witnesses make this claim in testimony to the PSC, there is nothing to back it up. No analysis, no numbers. Based on documents made public months ago, the $10M claim was concocted by Clean Line when it attempted to sell its capacity to Missouri municipalities.
Preliminary calculations, assuming existing production tax credits for wind project participation in the project, could reduce costs by as much as $10M/year or $10 per megawatt hour compared to delivery of other wind projects from SPP to MISO.
And simply parading a collection of politicians and business interests who stand to personally profit from the construction of the project isn't support based on fact and logic. It's based on money, pure and simple.
True grassroots opinion based on fact and logic cannot be bought. True grassroots opposition will drown out expensive, manufactured "support" and will carry the day at the upcoming public hearings. Won't you lend your voice?
The public hearing schedule:
Dec. 7, 2016: Monroe City
Knights of Columbus Hall, 424 South Locust
The local public hearing will begin at 12:00 p.m.*
Dec. 7, 2016: Hannibal
Theater Auditorium, Hannibal-LaGrange University, 2800 Palmyra Road
The local public hearing will begin at 6:00 p.m
Dec. 8, 2016: Marceline
Walsworth Community Center, 124 East Ritchie
The local public hearing will begin at 12:00 p.m.*
Dec. 8, 2016: Moberly
Moberly Municipal Auditorium, 201 West Rollins
The local public hearing will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 13, 2016: Cameron
Cameron Community Center, 915 Ashland Avenue
The local public hearing will begin at 12:00 p.m.*
Dec. 13, 2016: Faucett
Mid-Buchanan High School, Multipurpose Room, 3221 SE Route H
The local public hearing will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 14, 2016: Polo
Community Center at Stagecoach Park, 1010 Main Street
The local public hearing will begin at 12:00 p.m.*
Dec. 14, 2016: Carrollton
Rupe Community Center, 710 Harvest Hills Drive
The local public hearing will begin at 6:00 p.m.
*In order to be able to move equipment to the next local public hearing that same day, 12:00 p.m. local public hearings will end no later than 4:00 p.m.
For more very important info. please visit Block GBE-MO.