You give me something I can laugh hard at
I know you'll think I'm like the others before
Who saw your name and number on the wall...
Can't get that song out of my head. Thanks a lot, Tommy. You're a real pal.
Wind Catcher has some new "Code of Conduct Principles" on its website. It attempts to take some lines from the old "Code of Conduct" and then adds some new stuff that can only create hilarity.
You don't know me but you make me so silly
I tried to call you before but I lost my nerve
I tried my imagination but I was disturbed
Except in response to a question from a landowner, Project Representatives will not represent that a relative, neighbor and/or friend supports or opposes the Project, even if it’s true.
But what about these principles?
All communications and interactions with property owners and occupants must respect the privacy of property owners and other persons.
The details of the negotiations with property owners and occupants are to remain confidential unless allowed by the landowner. Project Representatives will not discuss these details with other property owners or other persons unaffiliated with PSO or the Project.
Project Representatives will not ask relatives, neighbors and/or friends to influence the property owner.
This is garbage. It's ridiculous. It's unenforceable.
Oh, right. I get it now. Nobody enforces these "principles" so it's okay to make them as confusing, contradictory, and devoid of true meaning as possible. What's a landowner to do when a land agent violates any of these principles?
I need to report a violation
Tommy, don't change your number
While PSO has the legal right to use court proceedings to obtain land rights for the Project, the Project Representatives should not threaten to call law enforcement officers, obtain court orders, or threaten the use of eminent domain.
Project Representatives will respect all communications from property owners to them – whether in person, by telephone or in writing – in which the property owner indicates that he or she does not want to negotiate or does not want to give permission for surveying or other work on his or her property. Unless specifically authorized by PSO, Project Representatives will not contact the property owner again regarding negotiations or requests for permission to survey.
When asked to leave a property, Property Representatives will promptly leave and not return unless specifically authorized by PSO.
If threatened, Project Representatives will promptly and politely leave the property.
What, exactly, constitutes a threat? If a landowner says, "If you don't quit asking me for an easement, I'm going to call Tommy?" Would that make a land agent leave?
I need to make your land agent leave
Tommy, don't change your number
Project Representatives will not give the property owner any legal advice.
Are the land agents going to be handing out copies of these "principles" when they call on landowners from now on? Way to throw landowners off balance and encourage them to talk to land agents longer just to see how long it takes for a violation of the principles to occur! If that happens, maybe people don't want to call you, Tommy, although I don't see your phone number on the principles, nor any other way for a landowner to report a violation. I guess they'll just have to report violations to Dana Murphy at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
I got her number on the wall
I got it (i got it) I got it
For a violation, for a violation call...