This editorial from Delmarva Now says that "PJM and Pepco suggest that the cost of the new line will not cause an increase in rates consumers pay for electricity, because production costs will go down and the $1.2 billion price tag will be shared by all consumers in its thirteen-state region."
What a bunch of crap!
Remember how AEP told us that their transmission project would "levelize" the price differential between eastern and western PJM? PJM's recent RPM Auction resulted in a price decrease in eastern PJM with a corresponding price increase in western PJM.
"In PJM's MAAC area the price of capacity will be $136.50 MW-day, a decrease of about $100 from last year. (The MAAC price applies to the transmission zones of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company, Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, and PPL Electric Utilities, Atlantic City Electric, Delmarva Power, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, PECO, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, and Rockland Electric Company.) The non-MAAC region, will pay the RTO price of $125.99, an increase of about $100. This region includes western Pennsylvania, western Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky and Virginia."
Thanks, Pepco, you're a pal! Not only do the citizens of western PJM get to bear the burden of having their mountains blasted, their miners subjected to dangerous working conditions, their air, water and land poisoned by coal-fired power plants producing electricity to be shipped out of state, now they also get to pay more for the privilege! Pepco, you're heinous!
Apparently the opponents of MAPP have the ability to smell the odor of power company propaganda as well and are calling Pepco out on their lies. Bravo!