My friends in Frederick have explained that this "reconsideration" will consist of the Board of Zoning Appeals reconvening to discuss their decision and take another vote.
PATH's whiny list of why the Board should reconsider is long and winding, so let's see if we can shorten it up a bit.
They think they presented enough evidence that the substation is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and its impact would not be greater in this location than another agriculturally zoned location in Frederick County. They also think the Board's interpretation of the comprehensive plan and legal precedent is incorrect. Then PATH stoops to attacks on the two board members who voted against the substation. Board member Clapp apparently missed some of the hearing. Must have been a very small segment, because I never saw him missing when I was there, and that was the vast majority of the 25+ hours of testimony. According to PATH, Board member Sepe has a conflict of interest, is unprofessional and should have recused herself.
People who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.
Here's a link to what PATH filed.