Interested persons have only 45-days to make comment on these corridors before DOE makes its selections to proceed to the next round. DOE is not doing any notification for property owners within these corridors. It is not doing any public education and engagement, aside from one "listen only" webinar with limited space (sign up now!) There will be no public meetings. DOE is not even sharing the information and recommendations it received from transmission owners (and others) in its Phase 1 information submission window. Their maps are very generalized and have no details. We're supposed to comment on something that we have very little information about within a very short time window. It sort of sounds like DOE doesn't actually want us to comment.
But that only makes me want to comment more. And spread the word like transmission's Paul Revere...
This is unacceptable!

extension_request.docx |
One brief explanation: On the bottom of the letter it includes a request for full party status. Being a party doesn't come with any additional duties or expense, it simply allows you to request rehearing or appeal any corridor that impacts you in the future. It does not require you to do so, but it reserves your right to do so if you choose. If you do not request that right, you will have to live with DOE's future decision and cannot take any legal action. It's just a safety measure to protect your rights.
And one more thing... we cannot rely on DOE to act on our requests without a little encouragement, no matter how many we send. Therefore, it is recommended that you also contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives and ask them to demand that DOE provide notice, public engagement and an extended comment deadline for their constituents who are impacted by these huge corridors. Here's your quick and easy guide for getting that done with just a couple clicks:

contact_congress.pdf |