Scott at RidiculousRICL has got your back. He has so helpfully put together a Code of Conduct for Landowners to guide you. We're pretty sure this Code doesn't cover everything, so feel free to make additional suggestions.
Scott's Landowners' Code is just as official and just as enforceable as Clean Line's Land Agent Code. As recently admitted by Clean Line, and as I've been telling you for the last year, Clean Line's Code is nothing but a "feel good" piece of paper.
Clean Line's "Code" was copied from another transmission line fight that occurred in Pennsylvania in 2008. In its original form, it was part of settlement of a case where the Pennsylvania Office of Consumer Advocate sought an injunction against transmission owner TrAILCo to end abusive practices. Read the OCA's Motion for Injunctive Relief for a detailed description of harassing and coercive land agent behavior that sounds hauntingly familiar to stories of Clean Line's current tactics. In the Pennsylvania case, the Code was enforceable by the court. In Clean Line's case, nobody is enforcing it, not even Clean Line!
So, landowners should feel free to invent their own "code" and share it freely!