Do you want to sacrifice your reliable electric service in order to rely on power sources that have not yet been invented? It looks like New York does.
The graph included in this article kind of took my breath away yesterday. Here it is:
Take note also that aside from nuclear, all of these resources are variable. That is that they are not "dispatchable" at will. They cannot always perform when called. So, less than 10% of New York's future power could actually be reliably turned on when needed.
Another 7% or so of the resource is undefined "imports." Imports of what, and from where? If these are supposed to be imports of dispatchable resources from other states, what happens if those states also develop a plan similar to New York's that closes them down because they are not "clean"?
New York seems pretty confident about its plan. Maybe they plan to capture and enslave a herd of unicorns who will be forced to produce methane that can be converted into energy? Sounds as plausible as other "not commercially available" sources these days.
Guard your unicorn! The times, they are a'changing.