It's full steam ahead for the project!
Unlike other HVDC transmission projects that have been struggling to get their aerial routes approved for the past eight years, Lake Erie Connector sailed through approvals in just a couple years. Why?
The ITC Lake Erie Connector is a +/- 320 kV HVDC bi-directional transmission line, approximately 73 miles in length, that would interconnect with converter stations located in Erie, Pennsylvania and Nanticoke, Ontario.
A 345kV Alternating Current (AC) underground transmission line would connect the Erie converter station to Penelec's existing Erie West substation, while a 500kV AC line would tie the Nanticoke converter station to Hydro One’s Nanticoke substation.
The majority of the transmission line would be buried beneath Lake Erie or underground using existing roadway rights-of-way. ITC anticipates the project receiving all state, federal, and provincial permits for the ITC Lake Erie Connector by Q2 2017, commencing construction in 2017, and being in service in Q4 2020.
Will overhead transmission lines be used?
No. The current project plan envisions all of the cable being installed underwater or underground.
And a good time was had by all.