Unfortunately for AWC, they still need PJM's approval. Good luck there, fellas! :-)
So why doesn't Obama add this to his er-tit, instead of trying to ram through an unneeded transmission line designed to ship coal-fired electricity to the east coast? Susquehanna-Roseland is going to be obsolete in about 10 years, although we'll still be paying for it for another 60 years after that.
Bob Mitchell is a bit disturbing with his idiotic plans to use the project to transport "low cost" power from Virginia to New Jersey. Has he been drinking Dominion's Kool-Aid?
Meanwhile, a New Jersey blogger gets up on his predictable soap box to complain about the project's $5B cost and the fact that they were awarded CWIP in rate base by FERC. Guess what, Tom? The development of land based wind to serve New Jersey's RPS is predicted to cost ratepayers over $2 TRILLION, according to transmission line building AEP CEO Nick Akins.
"The electric utility industry needs to spend about $2 trillion over the next two decades just to refurbish the existing grid," new American Electric Power CEO Nick Akins said last month at his company's annual shareholders meeting in Tulsa." (Don't pay any attention to the rest of that article, it's chock full of propaganda I just don't feel like dealing with right now.)
Off-shore wind makes both financial and engineering sense for east coast load centers.