"While the existing phrase “other affected party” is not intended to cover individuals who do not have standing under Section 206 of the FPA, the PATH Companies are concerned that the phrase may be more broadly interpreted by some persons to apply to themselves as retail ratepayers or as individuals opposed to the PATH Project.5 The Commission’s exercise of its jurisdiction over the PATH Project does not directly affect these interests, and the PATH Companies therefore propose to revise the definition to more precisely reflect the scope of the Commission’s jurisdiction over the PATH Project."
And they footnote that statement with:
"See PATH LLC’s Motion to Dismiss the Formal Challenge and Motions to Compel filed by Keryn Newman and
Alison Haverty filed on October 20, 2011 in Docket No. ER08-386-000, et al."
Several parties have made motions to intervene in this docket: PJM (obligatory intervention); American Municipal Power, Inc.; llinois Commerce Commission; Old Dominion Electric Cooperative; Maryland's Office of People's Counsel; Alison Haverty and Keryn Newman. Deadline to intervene is today. Parties have 15 days to object to any Motion to Intervene.
And on and on we go...