"However, social differences between the companies as well as Entergy’s nuclear challenges prevented a merger with AEP from moving forward, claimed the first industry banker. He said he would be surprised if the companies could make a deal work now."
Oh, poppycock! (to use one of Mikey's favorite antique words) We all know how AEP's propaganda posse love to scam the public by jerking the media around with false "rumors."
The article even throws one of AEP's famous red herrings onto the grill. Other companies are named as possible buyers: FirstEnergy, Dominion, Southern Co. and NextEra. You may be able to trust the Gorton's Fisherman, but don't be misled by AEP's squid bait. These other companies are just red herrings to keep you busy while AEP and Entergy get down to serious business, like discussing their "social differences."
About those social differences... based on the affected citizens' experiences with AEP during the PATH Transmission project, we've discovered that AEP lies, cheats and steals. So, what's the moral climate like at Entergy that makes them socially different? You know what they say, Entergy, lie down with dogs and get up with fleas.