My opinions have nothing to do with Ali Haverty. They're mine exclusively. Just check that little "Author" box that appears on every page of this blog for a little reminder when you need one. Also, I'm not pro se, and as written earlier, you falsely represented my "assertion" intended by the comment you presented out of context. That's really no big surprise because ol' Melick has been telling the Commissioners what other parties in the case are thinking, right from the beginning (and consistently getting it wrong). Ridiculous! "Phil the Psychic" you're not.
But, back to PATH's fake "offense" at my opinions on the blog. If you don't like them, don't read them, however, I'm still entitled to have an opinion. I'll also defend your right to have a different opinion. How boring life would be if we all had the same opinion! This blog has always been open as a forum for different opinions, and maintains an open comment forum for anyone to express their own opinion.
I have absolutely no tolerance for bullsh*t. If you're going to tell me some incredible, ridiculous tale and expect me to politely pretend to believe you and remain silent, you're going to be disappointed. I'm going to tell you that you're full of crap. That's just the way I am.
I also have a certain style of writing. It's called humor, satire or parody -- take your pick because it's often a combination of all the above. There are so many things about life that are plainly ridiculous, and PATH's assertion that their project is "needed" (and all the dumb stuff they do to try to prove it) is one of them. When we can laugh at PATH, they're not so scary afterall, and they can be beaten. I also know that PATH employees themselves laugh at the stuff I write, as long as they're not my current target. You snicker and giggle because you know the things I say about your co-workers smack of truth, but you'd never have the nerve to say them yourself. How many of the little nicknames I've given you have stuck behind each other's backs? Go ahead, laugh! You'll feel so much better!
Satire and parody is probably the subject of some of the most prolific writing about Constitutionally protected freedom of speech, so go ahead, make my day, little puppets! I've been writing in this style for a long, long time and have even been paid for certain pieces that have been published. Yup, I've been paid for the same kind of stuff I'm now giving away for free right here, imagine that! I went on a hunt to see what old stuff I could find, and I think this was one of the first pieces I got paid for, but I'm not sure. My writing history of awards and publication goes all the way back to elementary school, and that was a long, long time ago and I've forgotten a lot of it (way back in the days before computers kept track of this stuff for you). If you're a mom, you'll love it. If you're not a mom, be sure to call yours up after you read it and tell her how much you appreciate her. The best humor is always found in our day-to-day common experiences, and often within those things that frustrate and challenge us the most. As you can probably tell by the article, this was a true life experience I can still vividly remember. However, instead of getting angry at a situation out of my control, I chose to laugh at it. I still do that every single day, and if PATH wants me to stop writing about them, they need to go away and stop being a thorn in my side.
So, PATH, keep making fools out of yourselves by calling the wahhhhhhhhmbulance and pretending I'm hurting your itty, bitty corporate-personhood feelings. I really don't care! And that's my opinion. :-)